#4 Letters to my MP on APPG on ME

I now have the Minister's reply to the letter my MP wrote on my behalf as part of our correspondence on the APPG on M.E. The Minister, Mr Paul Burstow, talks about the National Service Framework (NSF) for Long-term Conditions and their Quality Standards. He also talks about the work of the group formed in 2008 … Continue reading #4 Letters to my MP on APPG on ME

#3 Letters to my MP on APPG on ME

It's time to report the third installment on my letters to my MP on the APPG on ME and the EDM's I asked if he would sign.  After the initial letters to my MP  he then replied saying he had referred my letter to the relevant Minister and as a Minister he was "not permitted … Continue reading #3 Letters to my MP on APPG on ME

Letter to my MP on APPG on M.E.

I wrote to my MP on 24 June 2010 urging him to lend his support to the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on M.E. which desperately needs new bood after the last election saw several members leave such as a MP from a nearby town who had to retire for health reasons. The first letter I sent … Continue reading Letter to my MP on APPG on M.E.

ME/CFS Awareness Day – 12th May 2007

UPDATE: Blog with me for 2008 International ME/CFS Awareness Day 12th May 2007 is International ME/CFS Awareness Day.  Whether you are a sufferer, a friend of a sufferer, a health practicioner or an activist you can get involved! Here are a few ideas for ways to help support this awareness day.  Some require more energy … Continue reading ME/CFS Awareness Day – 12th May 2007

E-Petition Picks March 2007

Here's a selection of current e-petitions (for the Prime Minister) I think are worth bringing to your attention: "We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to ..." "... ensure those of us with invisible disabilities and illnesses are given a fair deal" http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/Invisibleillness/   "... get the Health Service and medical profession to accept the WHO … Continue reading E-Petition Picks March 2007